Scenic Scatters

Scatters, lichens and grass tufts
Modroc Terra-Forma is a plaster impregnated bandage, ideal for making hills. embankments etc.

approx 2 foot diameter x 1 foot high
Warehouse: 2
Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 4, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 8085)
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Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 110407)
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Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 48282)
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With its super-fine consistency, Busch Micro litter powder is suitable for the design of filigree floor surfaces and can also be used for leafing plants. In various colours it can be used in brown as peat litter or forest floor, in the green tones for lawns and meadows and in the appropriate shade of grey as gravel or as pavement.

Gloucester: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 97428)
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Gloucester: 3
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(Product Ref 97430)
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Busch litter powder is lightfast coloured and particularly evenly grained. Suitable for imitation of different plants, flower and flower beds. Vegetation for fields and fields etc.

Gloucester: 2
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 97432)
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Gloucester: 8
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 97435)
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Even stone structure, free of dust. Ideal for ballasting track, path and tracks, bridal paths etc. The gravel can also be loaded into open railway vehicles and road vehicles. Why not mix different grades of stones and gravel to create any prototypical gravel mixture.

Gloucester: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 110397)
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Designed to decorate the bases of your small scenes and dioramas with extremely realistic results. The fibre length is 4 mm, perfect to represent all types of grass in all scales.

Stroud: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 42431)
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Coloured sand in 3 different sizes for the perfect foundation of any base. Can also be painted any colour to resemble any climate or setting.

  • The perfect foundation for any base
  • Can be pained for other effects
  • 3 different sized sand gives a realistic ground effect
  • Add any tuft or other basing material for maximum effect

Cardiff: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 117611)
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For any arctic climate or winter bases. Gives a nice sharp contrast to darker or very multi-coloured models.

Bristol: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 116695)
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Jungle grass tufts height 6mm. Supplied in a sheet 5 x 16cm.

Jungle Tuft is a great addition to the XP range. The lighter green tufts are essential for jungle, forest or spring looking bases. For a truly stunning base you can combine them with the Swamp Tuft or Poison Ivy.

Bristol: 1, Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 1, Stroud: 2
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 85786)
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Winter grass tufts height 6mm. Supplied in a sheet 5 x 16cm.

Winter Tuft are created to resemble bleached/dead grass during very cold months. It looks particularly well with Snow Flock added to the base as well, giving the perfect illusion of a frosted battlefield. Try experimenting with combining Winter Tuft and Highland Tuft for Autumn seasons.

Bristol: 1, Gloucester: 2, Plymouth: 2, Stroud: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 87122)
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A fantastic looking Tuft for the Wargamer wishing to have an outstanding looking army. These Tuft are greener than the Highland Tuft and are especially good for forest or more lush/summer looking bases than the other.

Swamp tufts 6mm height supplied in a sheet 5 x 16cm.

Cardiff: 2, Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 2, Stroud: 2
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 87123)
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These tuft have a darker base and a more "torn" look to them, making them ideal for basing evil armies, emphasizing on their demeanor. They are also a great contrast to light basing materials - like Brown Battleground basing for instance.

Bristol: 2, Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 1, Stroud: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 91922)
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A fantastic looking Tuft for the Wargamer wishing to have an outstanding looking army. These Tufts mimic vegetation above the tree line.

Mountain tufts are supplied on a sheet of 77 in three different sizes.

Bristol: 2, Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 103008)
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The absolute coolest look of your bases is done with the 6mm Highland Tufts - if you are a Wargamer you need these in your life! Easy to use and stunningly realistic

Bristol: 3, Cardiff: 1, Gloucester: 2, Plymouth: 3, Stroud: 2
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 85785)
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A fantastic looking Tuft for the Wargamer wishing to have an outstanding looking army. These Tufts perfectly emulate deep forests and beautiful glades.

Woodland tufts are supplied on a sheet of 77 in three different sizes.

Bristol: 1, Cardiff: 2, Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 2
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 103007)
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The frozen Tuft is perfect for decorating your frozen tundra, icy plains or other chilly environment.

Frozen tufts are supplied on a sheet of 77 in three different sizes.

Bristol: 4, Cardiff: 2, Plymouth: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 105819)
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A fantastic looking Tuft for the Wargamer wishing to have an outstanding looking army. 

Scorched tufts are supplied on a sheet of 77 in three different sizes.

Bristol: 3, Gloucester: 2, Plymouth: 1, Stroud: 2
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 118006)
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Distant moons or undead kingdoms, the Deadland Tuft allows you recreate the chilling atmosphere of death. Creates super realistic bases and the tufts comes in 3 different sizes. Easy to use and attaches quickly with our super glue. Contains 77 tufts. Bring your miniatures to life - Pair your painted minis with The Army Painter tufts. Easy to apply - Simply apply glue to your chosen model grass tufts and place on terrain model. 3 different sizes for any base size. 77 tufts in this package: 12 large tufts, 35 medium tufts, and 30 small tufts.

Bristol: 4, Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 1, Stroud: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 119865)
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Meadow flower clumpss height 6mm. Supplied in a sheet 5 x 16cm.

This is probably some of the most realistic basing material in the Wargames industry. Ideal for any themed army be they elves, beasts or men. Added between ruins or on a swamp themed base, it does not matter: Meadow Flowers will give your miniatures, whatever genre, a completely unique and realistic look.


Bristol: 1, Stroud: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 1167)
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A fantastic looking Tuft for the Wargamer wishing to have an outstanding looking army. The lowlands, haunted by vile monsters and creatures alike are full of little  streams giving life to  these rich and lush shrubs.

Lowland shrubs are supplied on a sheet of 77 in three different sizes.


Bristol: 1, Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 1, Stroud: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 103009)
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1 * 300ml Desert & Arid Wastes terrain primer
1 * 50ml Desert base paint
4 * 18ml paints
77 * Wildfire tufts
1 * 150ml Sand
1 * Mudrocks
1 * Terrain building guide
1 * Razorwire

Plymouth: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 118315)
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Cardiff: 1, Plymouth: 9+
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 31989)
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Cardiff: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 32378)
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Cardiff: 9, Plymouth: 7
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 32752)
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Available from Natural Scenics, Expo's unique self adhesive ground cover mats enable the hobby modeller to create a scenic base quickly and with relative ease. Using the FREE template paper you can cut and shape the area to be covered accurately, once the template has been cut this can then be placed and marked on the mat to be cut to size and shape, before placing on the scenic base and further scenics added. Expo mats are manufactured here in the UK using environmentally friendly materials wherever possible. Self Adhesive Mat - Autumn Green Large Roll - 300mm x 1000mm

Gloucester: 2
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 126585)
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Available from Natural Scenics, Expo's unique self adhesive ground cover mats enable the hobby modeller to create a scenic base quickly and with relative ease. Using the FREE template paper you can cut and shape the area to be covered accurately, once the template has been cut this can then be placed and marked on the mat to be cut to size and shape, before placing on the scenic base and further scenics added. Expo mats are manufactured here in the UK using environmentally friendly materials wherever possible. Self Adhesive Mat - Spring Green Large Roll - 300mm x 1000mm

Gloucester: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 126587)
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Available from Natural Scenics, Expo's unique self adhesive ground cover mats enable the hobby modeller to create a scenic base quickly and with relative ease. Using the FREE template paper you can cut and shape the area to be covered accurately, once the template has been cut this can then be placed and marked on the mat to be cut to size and shape, before placing on the scenic base and further scenics added. Expo mats are manufactured here in the UK using environmentally friendly materials wherever possible. Self Adhesive Mat - Summer Green Large Roll - 300mm x 1000mm

Gloucester: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 126586)
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Bristol: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 38393)
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Peco PS-342 Limesatone - Medium Grade  200ml

This is real limestone, and will be ideal for a number of uses around the layout, such as wagon loads, quarry scenes and general landscaping. The limestone is washed clean and ready for use, with minimal dust residue.
Warehouse: 1
Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 27343)
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Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 115960)
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A special scatter resembling grass or light moss. Can be used to cover the entire base or in smaller clumps on top of Brown Battleground.

  • Resembles grass on a miniature base
  • Use in conjunction with tufts or battlefield rocks for great effect

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 117610)
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Use Battlefield Rocks for smaller stones, giving a perfect texture on especially larger bases - to break the even look. Highly realistic look!

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 120827)
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1 * 300ml Wilderness & Woodland terrain primer
1 * 50ml Wilderness base paint
4 * 18ml paints
77 * Glade tufts
1 * 150ml Sand
1 * Bog moss lichen
1 * Terrain building guide
1 * Razorwire

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 118314)
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Our natural materials are ideal for producing realistic ballast, scenery and wagon loads etc.

The engine shed was a dirty environment so modellers will want to be able to replicate this effect with our new Ash & Cinders scatters. Available in 3 grades, the realistic blend of coloured stone gives a pleasing look to the track bed, representing the scruffy side of the steam railway work place.

Supplied in securely-sealed bags.

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 24984)
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Our natural materials are ideal for producing realistic ballast, scenery and wagon loads etc.

The engine shed was a dirty environment so modellers will want to be able to replicate this effect with our new Ash & Cinders scatters. Available in 3 grades, the realistic blend of coloured stone gives a pleasing look to the track bed, representing the scruffy side of the steam railway work place.

Supplied in securely-sealed bags.

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 27341)
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Peco PS-322  Ash & Cinders - Coarse Grade  200ml

The engine shed was a dirty environment so modellers will want to be able to replicate this effect with our new Ash & Cinders scatters. Available in 3 grades, the realistic blend of coloured stone gives a pleasing look to the track bed, representing the scruffy side of the steam railway work place.

Supplied in securely-sealed bags.

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 27340)
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Peco PS-343 Limesatone - Coarse Grade  200ml

This is real limestone, and will be ideal for a number of uses around the layout, such as wagon loads, quarry scenes and general landscaping. The limestone is washed clean and ready for use, with minimal dust residue.

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 27470)
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This Fine Sand product will find many uses on the model railway, from wagon loads to footpaths and tracks. Sand was also used on the railways for adhesion, so some patches on the track bed to represent spillages will be effective. Unlike the sand off the beach, this sand is very fine, washed and suitable for use straight away.

Supplied in securely-sealed bags

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 24985)
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Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 38392)
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Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 48283)
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