Private Owner Wagons

Many colourful privately owned and perated wagons from the years before WW2. Eras 2-3
Nicely detailed N gauge model of the RCH 1923 design 7 plank open coal wagons used in great numbers by the larger railway companies and many private owners.
This wagon is finished in the maroon livery of the Black Park Colliery, Ruabon wagon number 330.
Warehouse: 1
Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 120986)
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Nicely detailed N gauge model of the RCH 1923 design 7 plank open coal wagons used in great numbers by the larger railway companies and many private owners.
Finished in the deep red livery of the Black Park Colliery, this wagon describing the location as 'near Chirk', possibly a more accurate location than the alternative 'Ruabon'.

Warehouse: 1
Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 120987)
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Nicely detailed N gauge model of the RCH 1923 design 7 plank open coal wagons used in great numbers by the larger railway companies and many private owners.
This wagon is finished in the livery of the Bersham Colliery.
Warehouse: 1
Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 117839)
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Nicely detailed N gauge model of the RCH 1923 design 7 plank open coal wagons used in great numbers by the larger railway companies and many private owners.
This wagon is finished in Blue Circle Cement livery, large quantities of coal being required to fuel the cement furnaces.
Warehouse: 1
Gloucester: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 2406)
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Nicely detailed N gauge model of the RCH 1923 design 7 plank open coal wagons used in great numbers by the larger railway companies and many private owners.
This wagon is finished in the livery of G Russell & company.
Warehouse: 1
Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 117837)
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Warehouse: 1
Gloucester: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 48722)
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Well-known biscuit makers Huntley & Palmers established themselves as one of the first global brands through the use of the railways. Their plant at Reading was connected with both the GWR and SECR and the company owned a small fleet of coal wagons, finished in an eye-catching red livery, to ensure a steady supply was available.
This model is produced from new tooling and features, amongst many things, a much finer and thinner body moulding, including interior detail, with accurately-placed brake rigging and brake shoes (in line with wheels), fine printing detail and metal-tyred wheels.
Warehouse: 1
Bristol: 1, Gloucester: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 109528)
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A nicely detailed model of Small & Sons 7 plank open wagon number 18. Small & Sons were coal and agricultural merchants in Somerset and Devon, with this wagon advertising locations at Taunton, Thornfalcon on the Chard branch and Tiverton. The open wagons were used for coal and forage, possibly also conveying corn in sacks during harvest season, though lime would likely have arrived in the suppliers ridge-rooofed vans.
Warehouse: 1
Gloucester: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 91654)
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The silver tank and red solebar stripe warn that this Esso tank wagon carries highly flammable products like petrol.
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 44264)
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Warehouse: 1
Bristol: 1, Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 32094)
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Model of the standardised design of steel bodied grain wagon finished as GWR 'Grano' number 42313 marked for return to Avonmouth docks.

Bristol: 1, Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 1, Stroud: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 59697)
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Nicely detailed N gauge model of the RCH type 7 plank private owner open wagons.
Model finished as Gresford, Wrexham wagon number 228.

Gloucester: 1, Stroud: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 119969)
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Nicely detailed N gauge model of the RCH 1923 design 7 plank open coal wagons used in great numbers by the larger railway companies and many private owners.
This wagon is finished in the livery of the Buckley Junction metallic brick company.

Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 120985)
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7 plank open wagon operated by the Tredegar colliery company in South Wales.
Large fleets of these colliery owned wagons moved cola on a rolling conveyor principle to the South Wales ports and steel works.

Bristol: 1
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(Product Ref 77502)
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A nicely detailed model of an 8 plank open coal wagon fitted with coke rails to increase the volume carried. This wagon is painted in the black livery with yellow lettering and sunburst logo of smokeless fuels supplier Suncole.

Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 48721)
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A bright red painted four plank open wagon operated by the Teign Valley Granite company of Bovey-Tracey in Devon.
Granite was quarried from the edge of Dartmoor and loaded into railway wagons for transport to customers. The Teign Valley company also operated other quarries around the south west of England.
This new release of the Teign Valley Granite wagon is being produced from Pecos' new N gauge wagon tooling and is fitted with the new metal-tyred wheels.


Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 68915)
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A new model of the standard RCH 1923 7 plank open coal wagons produced by Peco featuring the correct 9-feet wheelbase wood underframe and a detailed body moulding including interior planking detail.
Wagon finished in the livery of the Gellyceidrim Collieries Company of Swansea of grey body with a company 'illiteracy mark' on the side door.

Bristol: 1, Gloucester: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 120203)
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A new model of the standard RCH 1923 7 plank open coal wagons produced by Peco featuring the correct 9-feet wheelbase wood underframe and a detailed body moulding including interior planking detail.
Wagon finished in the bright yellow livery of the Cadbury chocolate company.

Gloucester: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 120471)
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Wonderful Wagons! Perfectly printed and finished, Peco wagons offer some very interesting subjects which other manufacturers have passed on. Each model comes supplied in it's own hard storage case, ideal for stacking in a roling stock box.

Gloucester: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 32087)
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Wonderful Wagons! Perfectly printed and finished, Peco wagons offer some very interesting subjects which other manufacturers have passed on. Each model comes supplied in it's own hard storage case, ideal for stacking in a roling stock box.

Bristol: 1, Gloucester: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 32088)
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Wonderful Wagons! Perfectly printed and finished, Peco wagons offer some very interesting subjects which other manufacturers have passed on. Each model comes supplied in it's own hard storage case, ideal for stacking in a roling stock box.

Bristol: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 32090)
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Wonderful Wagons! Perfectly printed and finished, Peco wagons offer some very interesting subjects which other manufacturers have passed on. Each model comes supplied in it's own hard storage case, ideal for stacking in a roling stock box.

Gloucester: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 32091)
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Shell and BP operated their rail wagons as a combined fleet until the 1960s. This wagon represents a wagon for 'class B' products which were not highly flammable, mostly heavy fuel oils and bitumen.

Gloucester: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 32092)
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Wonderful Wagons! Perfectly printed and finished, Peco wagons offer some very interesting subjects which other manufacturers have passed on. Each model comes supplied in it's own hard storage case, ideal for stacking in a roling stock box.

Gloucester: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 32093)
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Express Dairies 4 wheel bulk milk tank wagon.
The construction of country dairy plants allowed milk to be forwarded to city depots in bulk instead of in small individual churns. These milk tank wagons were built using the base design of the oil tank wagons then in use, though intended to run in faster stopping passenger and parcels trains. The 4 wheel chassis proved unsuited to this and a 6-wheeled design became standard for milk tank wagons.
This model recreates one of the early wagons, some of which could be used on shorter distance deliveries where speeds was less important.

Bristol: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 32096)
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Nicely detailed model of a cylindrical oil tank wagon in the plain black livery chosen by many heavy oil suppliers and consumers, with the owners name spelt out along the length of the barrel.


Bristol: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 115966)
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(Product Ref 57826)
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Nicely detailed N gauge model of the RCH 1923 design 7 plank open coal wagons used in great numbers by the larger railway companies and many private owners.
Finished in the deep red livery of the Black Park Colliery, this wagon describing the location as 'near Chirk', possibly a more accurate location than the alternative 'Ruabon'.

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(Product Ref 124808)
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Nicely detailed N gauge model of the RCH 1923 design 7 plank open coal wagons used in great numbers by the larger railway companies and many private owners.

Next Warehouse Delivery: Mar 31
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(Product Ref 127793)
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Nicely detailed N gauge model of the RCH 1923 design 7 plank open coal wagons used in great numbers by the larger railway companies and many private owners.

Next Warehouse Delivery: Mar 31
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(Product Ref 127794)
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Nicely detailed N gauge model of the RCH 1923 design 7 plank open coal wagons used in great numbers by the larger railway companies and many private owners.

Next Warehouse Delivery: Mar 31
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(Product Ref 127795)
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Nicely detailed model of a steam era 14-ton 4-wheel oil tank wagon lettered for the National Benzole company.

These silver-painted wagons were used to carry motor spirit, commonly called petrol, the National company trading on it's fuel blend or mix with benzole.
The National name was still in use into the 1970s, but has now been fully merged into BP.

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The production of coal gas created a number of chemical waste by-products and an entire chemicals industry spang forth to extract further useful products from this waste.

Imperial Chemical Industries, formed from a large number of smaller concerns, operated a fleet of tank wagons to convey a wide range of chemical products. As many of these products were not as hazardardous as fuel oils in the event of fire the tanks of ICI wagons did not need to conform to the rules applying to petrol wagons. This maroon colour (possibly originating from 'red lead' paint applied as a rust inhibitor) seems to have been quite commonly used.

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(Product Ref 79586)
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(Product Ref 83114)
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A detailed model of an 8-plank open coal wagon lettered for Ketton Cement.

The wagon also carries the identity of it's actual owners, Thos W Ward, the well-known Sheffield coal factors. It is likely that this wagon was painted  in connection with a long-term contract for the supply of coal to the cement companys' furnaces.


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(Product Ref 48723)
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Early 14 Ton Tank Wagons with timber saddles, cradles and wire hawsers were built in response to the need for oil products to fuel Britain’s rapid development during the early-twentieth century, along with two world wars. As the hostilities of World War Two drew to a close, a new design of tank with a central anchor mechanism securing the tank to the chassis was agreed between the private operators, the Petroleum Board and the railway companies. Construction of this new wagon did not pick up pace until the early-1950s, and with the introduction of larger, vacuum braked tank wagons during the late-1950s, the Anchor-Mount design soon became obsolete, and the final wagons of this type were built in 1963.


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(Product Ref 48700)
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Early 14 Ton Tank Wagons with timber saddles, cradles and wire hawsers were built in response to the need for oil products to fuel Britain’s rapid development during the early-twentieth century, along with two world wars. As the hostilities of World War Two drew to a close, a new design of tank with a central anchor mechanism securing the tank to the chassis was agreed between the private operators, the Petroleum Board and the railway companies. Construction of this new wagon did not pick up pace until the early-1950s, and with the introduction of larger, vacuum braked tank wagons during the late-1950s, the Anchor-Mount design soon became obsolete, and the final wagons of this type were built in 1963.


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(Product Ref 72514)
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Early 14 Ton Tank Wagons with timber saddles, cradles and wire hawsers were built in response to the need for oil products to fuel Britain’s rapid development during the early-twentieth century, along with two world wars. As the hostilities of World War Two drew to a close, a new design of tank with a central anchor mechanism securing the tank to the chassis was agreed between the private operators, the Petroleum Board and the railway companies. Construction of this new wagon did not pick up pace until the early-1950s, and with the introduction of larger, vacuum braked tank wagons during the late-1950s, the Anchor-Mount design soon became obsolete, and the final wagons of this type were built in 1963.


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(Product Ref 48701)
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Early 14 Ton Tank Wagons with timber saddles, cradles and wire hawsers were built in response to the need for oil products to fuel Britain’s rapid development during the early-twentieth century, along with two world wars. As the hostilities of World War Two drew to a close, a new design of tank with a central anchor mechanism securing the tank to the chassis was agreed between the private operators, the Petroleum Board and the railway companies. Construction of this new wagon did not pick up pace until the early-1950s, and with the introduction of larger, vacuum braked tank wagons during the late-1950s, the Anchor-Mount design soon became obsolete, and the final wagons of this type were built in 1963.


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(Product Ref 83104)
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Early 14 Ton Tank Wagons with timber saddles, cradles and wire hawsers were built in response to the need for oil products to fuel Britain’s rapid development during the early-twentieth century, along with two world wars. As the hostilities of World War Two drew to a close, a new design of tank with a central anchor mechanism securing the tank to the chassis was agreed between the private operators, the Petroleum Board and the railway companies. Construction of this new wagon did not pick up pace until the early-1950s, and with the introduction of larger, vacuum braked tank wagons during the late-1950s, the Anchor-Mount design soon became obsolete, and the final wagons of this type were built in 1963.


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(Product Ref 48703)
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Early 14 Ton Tank Wagons with timber saddles, cradles and wire hawsers were built in response to the need for oil products to fuel Britain’s rapid development during the early-twentieth century, along with two world wars. As the hostilities of World War Two drew to a close, a new design of tank with a central anchor mechanism securing the tank to the chassis was agreed between the private operators, the Petroleum Board and the railway companies. Construction of this new wagon did not pick up pace until the early-1950s, and with the introduction of larger, vacuum braked tank wagons during the late-1950s, the Anchor-Mount design soon became obsolete, and the final wagons of this type were built in 1963.


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Early 14 Ton Tank Wagons with timber saddles, cradles and wire hawsers were built in response to the need for oil products to fuel Britain’s rapid development during the early-twentieth century, along with two world wars. As the hostilities of World War Two drew to a close, a new design of tank with a central anchor mechanism securing the tank to the chassis was agreed between the private operators, the Petroleum Board and the railway companies. Construction of this new wagon did not pick up pace until the early-1950s, and with the introduction of larger, vacuum braked tank wagons during the late-1950s, the Anchor-Mount design soon became obsolete, and the final wagons of this type were built in 1963.


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(Product Ref 72515)
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Early 14 Ton Tank Wagons with timber saddles, cradles and wire hawsers were built in response to the need for oil products to fuel Britain’s rapid development during the early-twentieth century, along with two world wars. As the hostilities of World War Two drew to a close, a new design of tank with a central anchor mechanism securing the tank to the chassis was agreed between the private operators, the Petroleum Board and the railway companies. Construction of this new wagon did not pick up pace until the early-1950s, and with the introduction of larger, vacuum braked tank wagons during the late-1950s, the Anchor-Mount design soon became obsolete, and the final wagons of this type were built in 1963.


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(Product Ref 83105)
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Early 14 Ton Tank Wagons with timber saddles, cradles and wire hawsers were built in response to the need for oil products to fuel Britain’s rapid development during the early-twentieth century, along with two world wars. As the hostilities of World War Two drew to a close, a new design of tank with a central anchor mechanism securing the tank to the chassis was agreed between the private operators, the Petroleum Board and the railway companies. Construction of this new wagon did not pick up pace until the early-1950s, and with the introduction of larger, vacuum braked tank wagons during the late-1950s, the Anchor-Mount design soon became obsolete, and the final wagons of this type were built in 1963.


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(Product Ref 72516)
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Early 14 Ton Tank Wagons with timber saddles, cradles and wire hawsers were built in response to the need for oil products to fuel Britain’s rapid development during the early-twentieth century, along with two world wars. As the hostilities of World War Two drew to a close, a new design of tank with a central anchor mechanism securing the tank to the chassis was agreed between the private operators, the Petroleum Board and the railway companies. Construction of this new wagon did not pick up pace until the early-1950s, and with the introduction of larger, vacuum braked tank wagons during the late-1950s, the Anchor-Mount design soon became obsolete, and the final wagons of this type were built in 1963.


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(Product Ref 83106)
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Early 14 Ton Tank Wagons with timber saddles, cradles and wire hawsers were built in response to the need for oil products to fuel Britain’s rapid development during the early-twentieth century, along with two world wars. As the hostilities of World War Two drew to a close, a new design of tank with a central anchor mechanism securing the tank to the chassis was agreed between the private operators, the Petroleum Board and the railway companies. Construction of this new wagon did not pick up pace until the early-1950s, and with the introduction of larger, vacuum braked tank wagons during the late-1950s, the Anchor-Mount design soon became obsolete, and the final wagons of this type were built in 1963.


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(Product Ref 48699)
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Early 14 Ton Tank Wagons with timber saddles, cradles and wire hawsers were built in response to the need for oil products to fuel Britain’s rapid development during the early-twentieth century, along with two world wars. As the hostilities of World War Two drew to a close, a new design of tank with a central anchor mechanism securing the tank to the chassis was agreed between the private operators, the Petroleum Board and the railway companies. Construction of this new wagon did not pick up pace until the early-1950s, and with the introduction of larger, vacuum braked tank wagons during the late-1950s, the Anchor-Mount design soon became obsolete, and the final wagons of this type were built in 1963.


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(Product Ref 83107)
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Once common on the post-war British Railway network, these 4-wheel vans carried a wide variety of goods throughout the system. No longer in service they remain an iconic wagon type so typical of the railway scene from the 1950s to the 1980s and modellers will find a home for several on their layouts.
Model finished in National Coal Board black livery as an NCB colliery internal user wagon. Collieries often had a small fleet of wagons for internal use, especially where a coking plant was nearby, so much of the coal wound was finally dispatched as coke.

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(Product Ref 124868)
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Tippler wagons were built without side or end doors as these wagons would be unloaded by inverting them in a rotary cage known as a tippler. Typically used for iron ore traffic between quarries or ports and the iron making blast furnaces in late 1960 these were made redundant by the introduction of new high-capacity wagon. Many were redeployed for aggregates traffic, engineers use and sold for internal use on the railways of the coal and iron industries.
This model is finished in NCB internal user black livery with wasp-striped ends.

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(Product Ref 124869)
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Detailed model of J&R Stone 5 plank open wagon number 754
This model is produced from new tooling and features, amongst many things, a much finer and thinner body moulding, including interior detail, with accurately-placed brake rigging and brake shoes (in line with wheels), fine printing detail and metal-tyred wheels.

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(Product Ref 81242)
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A new model of the standard RCH 1923 7 plank open coal wagons produced by Peco featuring the correct 9-feet wheelbase wood underframe and a detailed body moulding including interior planking detail.
Wagon finished in the bright yellow livery used by the Colmans Mustard Works for their coal supply wagons.

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(Product Ref 119961)
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A new model of the standard RCH 1923 7 plank open coal wagons produced by Peco featuring the correct 9-feet wheelbase wood underframe and a detailed body moulding including interior planking detail.
Wagon finished in Shirebrook Colliery red livery.

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(Product Ref 120469)
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A new model of the standard RCH 1923 7 plank open coal wagons produced by Peco featuring the correct 9-feet wheelbase wood underframe and a detailed body moulding including interior planking detail.
Wagon finished in the livery used by Birmingham based coal factors Lunt with the company name contained within a large black diamond on a grey wagon and listing the company depots in Birmingham, London and Manchester.

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(Product Ref 120202)
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A new model of the standard RCH 1923 7 plank open coal wagons produced by Peco featuring the correct 9-feet wheelbase wood underframe and a detailed body moulding including interior planking detail.
Wagon finished in Middleton Colliery red livery.

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(Product Ref 120470)
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Bricks were essential to the construction of the railways, being a convenient, transportable and regularly sized building medium. The London Brick company operated a large fleet of wagons both for the collection of coal for firing their kilns and delivering of the vast numbers of bricks needed for major projects.
This model uses Peco's new super-fine detailing 7 plank open wagon body featuring a finer wall thickness, metal-tyred wheels, fine brake rigging in line with the wheels and some great livery detail.

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(Product Ref 109529)
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A new model of the standard RCH 1923 7 plank open coal wagons produced by Peco featuring the correct 9-feet wheelbase wood underframe and a detailed body moulding including interior planking detail.
Wagon finished in Lothian Coal Company livery lettered for Newbattle colliery.

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(Product Ref 120204)
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Nicely detailed model of Kingsbury Collieries, Tamworth wagon number 700, finished in Kingsbury's unusual green livery


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(Product Ref 78223)
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A new model of the standard RCH 1923 7 plank open coal wagons produced by Peco featuring the correct 9-feet wheelbase wood underframe and a detailed body moulding including interior planking detail.
Wagon finished in plain black lettered for the Pinxton Collieries company.

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(Product Ref 120472)
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Model of James Beswick Ltd. of Manchester 7 plank open coal wagon number 996 finished in red livery.
This model uses Peco's new super-fine detailing 7 plank open wagon body featuring a finer wall thickness, metal-tyred wheels, fine brake rigging in line with the wheels and some great livery detail.

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(Product Ref 121356)
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United Dairies 4 wheel bulk milk tank wagon.
The construction of country dairy plants allowed milk to be forwarded to city depots in bulk instead of in small individual churns. These milk tank wagons were built using the base design of the oil tank wagons then in use, though intended to run in faster stopping passenger and parcels trains. The 4 wheel chassis proved unsuited to this and a 6-wheeled design became standard for milk tank wagons.
This model recreates one of the early wagons, some of which could be used on shorter distance deliveries where speeds was less important.

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(Product Ref 32095)
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Nicely details model of a cylindrical oil tank wagon in the plain black livery chosen by many heavy-oil suppliers and consumers, with the owners name spelt out along the length of the barrel.

Based at Kilnhurst near Swinton, South Yorkshire, this company produced tar, mainly from the residue left over in gas and coke works. It would have been a messy business! They had a small fleet of tank wagons, including this example No. 597, one of 5 built by Charles Roberts in 1940 and registered by the LMS. Carrying the name in full in chrome yellow on the black tank side, we are sure that these wagons did not stay in this condition for long! As usual, the free running characteristics and fine printing of the livery come as standard on this model.


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(Product Ref 6007)
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