Peco Streamline Finescale

Developed from Peco Streamline featuring more realistic lower profile rail section. An excellent compromise of fine scale track and Peco Streamline reliability.

Peco Streamline Finescale code 75 track with nickel silver rail provides excellent durability and electrical conductivity. Streamline track features a flexible moulded sleeper base respresenting the wood sleepers. Use SL-110 metal and SL-111 insulating rail joiners.

Sold in 1 yard (914mm) lengths.

Web Stock - In addition to our per-yard stock we try to keep an unopened box in stock at all times and can quickly obtain your full requirements for Peco track.

Warehouse: 3
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(Product Ref 31875)
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Peco produced their finescale code 75 OO flexi-track with wood sleeper several years ago, now in 2009 a concrete sleeper version is being produced.

Ideal for modelling the track on Britains' mainlines from the 1970s onwards the smaller size rail provides a much closer to scale appearance. The sleeper profile has been designed to reflect the current angular style with Pandrol type rail securing clips. Peco advise that concrete sleeper points will be following.

Sold in 1 yard (914mm) lengths. Flexitrack can be curved to suit your requirements and cut to the lengths needed for your layout. Useful track laying tools include Tracksetta curve templates to maintain a smooth and constant radius and Xuron track cutters, designed to cleanly cut the rail to the required lengths.

Warehouse: 9+
Gloucester: 4, Stroud: 7
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(Product Ref 78707)
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Pressed steel sleepers have been trialed several times through the 20th century, but since 2000 modern corrosion-resistant steel has made these sleepers more practical. Often used on secondary routes, goods loops and sidings the sleepers are pressed into a shape which grips the ballast.

Pecos' streamline flexitrack mouldings capture the shaping and hold the rail in detailed Pandrol rail clips and insulated mountings. The sleepers are self-coloured in a rust brown, typical of the natural colouration. Once ballasted the track can easily be given a prototypical look by painting in details, oily patches where locomotives stop etc.
Length 1 yard - 914mm
Warehouse: 6
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Rail joiners for Peco finescale code 75 and code 83 rail. Pack of 24
Joiners provide electrical and mechanical bonding between rail ends.
Warehouse: 7
Cardiff: 2, Gloucester: 4
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(Product Ref 25747)
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Warehouse: 9
Cardiff: 2
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(Product Ref 25748)
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These Power Feed Joiners will help address the worries of soldering that many modellers' have: they're the safe, clean and tidy way of bringing power to the track. Supplied in packs of four pairs, each joiner has a short length of wire securely pre-soldered to it.
The modeller just has to substitute the standard metal joiners for a pair of these where the power feed is required, and pass the wires down through pre-drilled holes in the baseboard. With approximately 8 inches (204mm) of wire on each one there should be plenty of length available to go through most baseboards. In turn these wires can be connected to longer runs of wiring under the baseboard and be taken back to the outlet terminals of the transformer.
Available now, each single pack contains 8 pre-wired joiners (4 red, 4 black). The joiners in this pack are supplied as pair joined together. The modeller just has to snap them apart.

Suitable for HOn3 Code 70, OO/HO Code 75, HOm Code 75 and "83 LIne" HO Code 83 rail profiles
Warehouse: 1
Bristol: 5, Gloucester: 3, Stroud: 3
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Peco OO Code 100 to Code 75 Transition Tracks SL-113
A simple track section allowing code 100 track to be joined to finescale code 75 tracks.

Warehouse: 2
Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 44675)
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Peco OO finescale code 75 Electrofrog small radius right hand point. A useful smaller radius point for yard tracks without compromising too far on curve radius.
Nominal radius: 610mm (24in) Angle: 12º Length: 185mm (7 ¼in).
NB The small radius points are too short to be used to build a yard 'ladder' as the tracks will be too close together, but can be combined with a Y point to create a 'fan' yard. Plan to space track centrelines at 2in and double check that all tracks are at more than 1¾in centres before final fixing down.

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.
Warehouse: 2
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(Product Ref 31882)
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The Short Crossing is double the angle of other track components in this range, this enables it to be used to form scissors formations in conjunction with them. Also, a compact (275mm long) double junction can be formed by using it with 2 short Y turnouts (Ref SL-E197).
Length 127mm (5in). Angle 24° between tracks.

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.

Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 31878)
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Peco OO Medium Radius Asymmetric 3-Way Electrofrog Code 75 Turnout SL-E199
This 3-way turnout combines a left and right turnout int oe sinle unit. A useful length saving device, as the two points separately would occupy 440mm (17in)
Length 300mm/12in. Angle 12° to left and right of centreline.

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.
MRP £54.25
Warehouse: 1
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Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 31879)
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Single slip turnouts allow trains to be routed round one side of a diamond crossing. Often used by Britain's railways to provide a trailing crossover and lead off to a siding in one turnout. Insulfrog version does not normally require additional rail insulation.

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.
MRP £62.95
Warehouse: 4
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(Product Ref 31893)
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Single slip turnouts allow trains to be routed round one side of a diamond crossing. Often used by Britain's railways to provide a trailing crossover and lead off to a siding in one turnout. Electrofrog version may require additional insulation and wiring to ensure correct power routing.
Length 249mm/9.8in, nominal radius 914mm/36in, angle 12 degrees.

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.
MRP £65.25
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 31876)
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Inspection kit (Code 75). Servicing depot, whether for locomotives or rolling stock invariably have inspections pits of different lengths. This kit contains enough parts to build one pit 297mm long or two smaller units. The contents includes six pit units two pairs of stairs and four walkway plates.
Warehouse: 4
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Warehouse: 9+
Gloucester: 9+
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(Product Ref 59026)
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Modelled from American Railroad Engineering Association (AREA) plans and conforming to NMRA turnout design standards, Peco's code 83 range of points and crossings follow prototype geometry. The close-spaced sleepers (ties) feature wood grain effect, tie plate and spike detailing to represent typical American railroading practice. All code 83 turnouts are DCC friendly. Electrofrog points feature live crossing units, offering optimal current collection, insulated rail joiners SL8311 should be used to prevent shorting.

Due to the use of prototypical geometry the diverging angle for each frog number is different. The No.5 type is close to the angle used on standard Peco Streamline code 75 and 100 turnouts, careful design and track assembly should allow special turnouts (eg. 3-way and slip points) from these ranges to be used.

Length 211mm 8.3in, nominal radius 660mm 26in, diverging angle 11.4 degrees.
Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.

Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 57072)
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Joining the Peco finescale bullhead track range the 3-feet radius medium turnouts have long been the most popular of the Streamline track range, offering an acceptable compromise between appearance and length. The new chaired bullhead rail range features British size and spacing sleepers, further enhancing the appearance of the track.
Warehouse: 1
Bristol: 5
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(Product Ref 102282)
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Small radius Y point. These points curve both right and left, particularly useful for minimum space layouts where saving a few inches in length is essential.

Length 148mm (5 13/16in). Angle 24Â (12Â to left and right of centreline)

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


Cardiff: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 31880)
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Joining the Peco finescale bullhead track range the 3-feet radius medium turnouts have long been the most popular of the Streamline track range, offering an acceptable compromise between appearance and length. The new chaired bullhead rail range features British size and spacing sleepers, further enhancing the appearance of the track.

Bristol: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 102283)
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Peco OO 25 Yards Finescale Streamline Flexitrack Nickel Silver Code 75 SL-100F BOX
Peco Finescale Streamline code 75 track with nickel silver rail provides excellent durability and electrical conductivity. SL100F features a flexible moulded sleeper base respresenting the wood sleepers. Use SL-110 metal and SL-111 insulating rail joiners.
A complete box of 25 yards of track. Please check SL100F single yard listing for current stock availability information.
MRP £143.75

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Peco OO finescale code 75 Electrofrog small radius right hand point. A useful smaller radius point for yard tracks without compromising too far on curve radius.
Nominal radius: 610mm (24in) Angle: 12º Length: 185mm (7 ¼in).
NB The small radius points are too short to be used to build a yard 'ladder' as the tracks will be too close together, but can be combined with a Y point to create a 'fan' yard. Plan to space track centrelines at 2in and double check that all tracks are at more than 1¾in centres before final fixing down.

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


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Large radius Y point. This point is curved both left and right at a large radius, typical of the points use at mainline junctions where trains pass on both routes at high speeds.
Length 220mm (8 21/32in). Angle 12° (6° to left and right of centreline).

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


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Double curved right hand turnout, outer radius 60in/1524mm, inner radius 30in/762mm. Curved and diverging to the right.
Length 255mm (10 1/32in).

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.

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(Product Ref 31888)
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Double curved left hand turnout, outer radius 60in/1524mm, inner radius 30in/762mm. Curved and diverging to the left.
Length 255mm (10 1/32in).

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.

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(Product Ref 31889)
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Diamond crossing, often used at junctions where the diverging track needs to cross another parallel track's straight route.

Length 249mm (9 13/16in). Angle 12°

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


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(Product Ref 31896)
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Double slip turnout. Insulfrog version not normally requiring additional rail insulation.

Length 249mm (9 13/16in). Angle between routes 12 degrees

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.

MRP £67.95

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(Product Ref 31894)
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Double slip turnout. A useful space saving turnout combining a diamond crossing with turnouts in all directions to allow trains to change to the other route.

Length 249mm (9 13/16in). Angle between routes 12 degrees

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.

MRP £70.50

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(Product Ref 31877)
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Right hand medium radius electrofrog point with code 75 finescale rail, live crossing and concrete style sleeper base. The point is supplied for normal operation with crossing polarity switched by the switch rails, but has a feed wire to the crossing pre-installed for use with switches on point motors. Provision has been made in the sleeper mouldings for wiring feeds to the closure rails and a brief guide to installation and wiring is supplied.

Ideal for modelling trackwork including the latest pointwork installed on the British rail network.
Length 291mm/8.66in, nominal radius 914mm/36in, angle 12 degrees.

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


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(Product Ref 64856)
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Left hand medium radius electrofrog point with code 75 finescale rail, live crossing and concrete style sleeper base. The point is supplied for normal operation with crossing polarity switched by the switch rails, but has a feed wire to the crossing pre-installed for use with switches on point motors. Provision has been made in the sleeper mouldings for wiring feeds to the closure rails and a brief guide to installation and wiring is supplied.

Ideal for modelling trackwork including the latest pointwork installed on the British rail network.
Length 219mm/8.66in, nominal radius 914mm/36in, angle 12 degrees.

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


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Peco Code 83 track accurately portrays US railway and railroad practice. The 1/87 scale sleepers feature fine scale representations of traditional rail spike fasteners used with flat-bottom rail.

The matching turnouts have been scaled from US prototype AREA drawings, used to define the standard turnout parts for US railroads and conform to NMRA turnout geometry.


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An authentic model of the Hayes bumper post, as fitted at the end of many spur tracks across North America. Accurately scaled from prototype drawings this three-part kit is easily assembled and installed. Each pack contains two bumper post kits.

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Modelled from American Railroad Engineering Association (AREA) plans and conforming to NMRA turnout design standards, Peco's code 83 range of points and crossings follow prototype geometry. The close-spaced sleepers (ties) feature wood grain effect, tie plate and spike detailing to represent typical American railroading practice. Incorporating years of experience in the manufacture of dependable and durable model railway track this is a welcome addition to Peco's range. All code 83 turnouts are DCC friendly. Electrofrog points feature live crossing units, offering optimal current collection, insulated rail joiners SL8311 should be used to prevent shorting.

Due to the use of prototypical geomtery the diverging angle for each frog number is different. The No.5 type is close to the angle used on standard Peco Streamline code 75 and 100 turnouts, careful design and track assembly should allow special turnouts (eg. 3-way and slip points) from these ranges to be used.

Length 211mm 8.3in, nominal radius 660mm 26in, diverging angle 11.4 degrees.
Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


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(Product Ref 59816)
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Modelled from American Railroad Engineering Association (AREA) plans and conforming to NMRA turnout design standards, Peco's code 83 range of points and crossings follow prototype geometry. The close-spaced sleepers (ties) feature wood grain effect, tie plate and spike detailing to represent typical American railroading practice. Incorporating years of experience in the manufacture of dependable and durable model railway track this is a welcome addition to Peco's range. All code 83 turnouts are DCC friendly. Insulfrog points feature insulated crossing units with no further insulation being required in many applications.

Due to the use of prototypical geomtery the diverging angle for each frog number is different. The No.5 type is close to the angle used on standard Peco Streamline code 75 and 100 turnouts, careful design and track assembly should allow special turnouts (eg. 3-way and slip points) from these ranges to be used.

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


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(Product Ref 45680)
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Modelled from American Railroad Engineering Association (AREA) plans and conforming to NMRA turnout design standards, Peco's code 83 range of points and crossings follow prototype geometry. The close-spaced sleepers (ties) feature wood grain effect, tie plate and spike detailing to represent typical American railroading practice. Incorporating years of experience in the manufacture of dependable and durable model railway track this is a welcome addition to Peco's range. All code 83 turnouts are DCC friendly. Insulfrog points feature insulated crossing units with no further insulation being required in many applications.

Due to the use of prototypical geometry the diverging angle for each frog number is different. The No.5 type is close to the angle used on standard Peco Streamline code 75 and 100 turnouts, careful design and track assembly should allow special turnouts (eg. 3-way and slip points) from these ranges to be used.

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


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(Product Ref 45681)
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Modelled from American Railroad Engineering Association (AREA) plans and conforming to NMRA turnout design standards, Peco's code 83 range of points and crossings follow prototype geometry. The close-spaced sleepers (ties) feature wood grain effect, tie plate and spike detailing to represent typical American railroading practice. Incorporating years of experience in the manufacture of dependable and durable model railway track this is a welcome addition to Peco's range. All code 83 turnouts are DCC friendly.
Unifrog points feature metal crossing V 'frog' units, which are insulated, but can easily be connected to a polaity switch to convert them to live or electrofrog for optimal current collection.

Due to the use of prototypical geomtery the diverging angle for each frog number is different. No.6 turnouts offer a larger radius with smaller diverging angle and cannot easily be mixed with Peco Streamline code 75 and 100 turnouts.

Length 224mm 8.8in, nominal radius 1092mm 43in, diverging angle 9.5 degrees.
Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


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Modelled from American Railroad Engineering Association (AREA) plans and conforming to NMRA turnout design standards, Peco's code 83 range of points and crossings follow prototype geometry. The close-spaced sleepers (ties) feature wood grain effect, tie plate and spike detailing to represent typical American railroading practice. Incorporating years of experience in the manufacture of dependable and durable model railway track this is a welcome addition to Peco's range. All code 83 turnouts are DCC friendly.

Due to the use of prototypical geometry the diverging angle for each frog number is different. No.6 turnouts offer a larger radius with smaller diverging angle and cannot easily be mixed with Peco Streamline code 75 and 100 turnouts.

Length 224mm 8.8in, nominal radius 1092mm 43in, diverging angle 9.5 degrees.
Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


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Modelled from American Railroad Engineering Association (AREA) plans and conforming to NMRA turnout design standards, Peco's code 83 range of points and crossings follow prototype geometry. The close-spaced sleepers (ties) feature wood grain effect, tie plate and spike detailing to represent typical American railroading practice. Incorporating years of experience in the manufacture of dependable and durable model railway track this is a welcome addition to Peco's range. All code 83 turnouts are DCC friendly.
Unifrog points feature metal crossing V 'frog' units, which are insulated, but can easily be connected to a polaity switch to convert them to live or electrofrog for optimal current collection.

In addition to their prototype use in yards and station approaches to maximise the number of tracks which can be accessed these turnouts allow track layouts to be compressed by combining turnouts in crossovers and yard ladders into one unit.

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.
MRP £79.95

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(Product Ref 93923)
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Modelled from American Railroad Engineering Association (AREA) plans and conforming to NMRA turnout design standards, Peco's code 83 range of points and crossings follow prototype geometry. The close-spaced sleepers (ties) feature wood grain effect, tie plate and spike detailing to represent typical American railroading practice. Incorporating years of experience in the manufacture of dependable and durable model railway track this is a welcome addition to Peco's range. All code 83 turnouts are DCC friendly.
Unifrog points feature metal crossing V 'frog' units, which are insulated, but can easily be connected to a polarity switch or DCC auto-frog unit to convert them to live or electrofrog for optimal current collection.

Due to the use of prototypical geomtery the diverging angle for each frog number is different. The No.6 diamond crossing will match with No.6 points only.

Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


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(Product Ref 45684)
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Modelled from American Railroad Engineering Association (AREA) plans and conforming to NMRA turnout design standards, Peco's code 83 range of points and crossings follow prototype geometry. The close-spaced sleepers (ties) feature wood grain effect, tie plate and spike detailing to represent typical American railroading practice. Incorporating years of experience in the manufacture of dependable and durable model railway track this is a welcome addition to Peco's range. All code 83 turnouts are DCC friendly. Electrofrog points feature live crossing units, offering optimal current collection, insulated rail joiners SL8311 should be used to prevent shorting.

Due to the use of prototypical geomtery the diverging angle for each frog number is different. Using pairs of turnouts with the same frog numvber will ensure parallel tracks are maintained. No.8 turnouts offer a large radius ideal for modelling the smooth curves needed for use with passenger trains and long freight cars.

Length 322mm 12.7in, nominal radius 1702mm 67in, diverging angle 7.15 degrees.
Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


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(Product Ref 66960)
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Modelled from American Railroad Engineering Association (AREA) plans and conforming to NMRA turnout design standards, Peco's code 83 range of points and crossings follow prototype geometry. The close-spaced sleepers (ties) feature wood grain effect, tie plate and spike detailing to represent typical American railroading practice. Incorporating years of experience in the manufacture of dependable and durable model railway track this is a welcome addition to Peco's range. All code 83 turnouts are DCC friendly. Electrofrog points feature live crossing units, offering optimal current collection, insulated rail joiners SL8311 should be used to prevent shorting.

Due to the use of prototypical geometry the diverging angle for each frog number is different. Using pairs of turnouts with the same frog number will ensure parallel tracks are maintained. No.8 turnouts offer a large radius ideal for modelling the smooth curves needed for use with passenger trains and long freight cars.

Length 322mm 12.7in, nominal radius 1702mm 67in, diverging angle 7.15 degrees.
Templates for Peco points are available from the Peco website.


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Standard OO/HO track uses a rail code of 100, that's 100 thousands of an inch, 0.1in or 2.5mm. In scale terms this is much larger than the rail typically used, excepting where exceptionally heavy loads are carried. To provide a finer, closer to scale appearance for the track Peco now offer two smaller profile rails as part of the Streamline range.
Code 75 (0.075in rail height) is available with the same pointwork and track geometry as is used for the code 100 range, many of the points being directly interchangeable, excepting for the difference in rail height. To accommodate the differing height special stepped joiners can be used to connect new finescale track to existing code 100 rail.
Code 83 track has been produced to replicate the designs of the American rail industry, featuring the close-spaced sleepers used in the US to allow for higher axle loadings. The points follow prototype geometry and are not directly interchangeable with the code 75 and code 100 ranges.

All currently produced OO gauge models have wheels that are compatible with code 83 and code 75 rail, however the deep flanged wheels of some older models, particularly from the Lima range, may strike the sleepers.

Web Stock - Peco maintain large stocks of track so we are confident that we can obtain stock within a few days and supply your full requirements quickly.

Full-size templates for Peco points are now available from Pecos' website. (click here)