MRP £289.95
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Missing link on one side

In 2010 a new locomotive based on the SR locomotive E188 was completed at Boston Lodge works for the Welsh Highland Railway. The number 190 has been used as this was the next vacant number in the Southerns' numbering sequence and the locomotive named LYD following the L&B practice of using Devon river names.

MRP £209.95
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Not Perfect Quality as two chips of paint on roof

The Harrington Horsebox was mainly used by the railway companies from 1938. The vehicles could carry three horses and were over 25ft and 11ft high. They were the pride of the fleet and the prototype for a popular model in the Dinky Supertoy range.

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(Product Ref 115139)
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MRP £114.95
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 77166)
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