SOLUTION BOOK is a simple and easy to follow guide which allows any modeller to obtain effects and finishes similar to the examples shown. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner that has just recently started to paint your kits, or a more advanced and experienced modeller. With this guide you can achieve amazing effects with very little effort by following a few simple steps. The new design style of SOLUTION BOOK allows you to follow each step in a simple and intuitive manner without text by using a simple icon code to guide you through each stage of the process. By following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to obtain exceptional results with very little effort.
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Soft cover, 160 pages with more than 900 HQ images in full color. Warning! This book is only available in ENGLISH language

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Ammo are proud to announce the re-edited edition of The Weathering Magazine issue 2. This time we will study the effects of Dust and Dirt using a wide range of products and painting techniques demonstrated by the world’s best modelers. The magazine explains in depth how to apply these effects on all types of models including figures, helicopters, trains, sci-fi… and of course tanks. The modeler will be able to complete his collection of The Weathering Magazine to create a bibliography of techniques, effects, references, and inspiration

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In english. In its 96 pages, this book will show the modeler over 300 unpublished and high quality photos of the Tiran. It includes photos of this tank in combat, destroyed, variants, on maneuvers, a walk-around of all the details, and more. The modeler will also enjoy the innumerable effects, damage, deterioration, grease, chipping, etc, this vehicle presented during its operational life and use them as inspiration for their models not only of Tiran but any other tank. In addition the book provides countless ideas for diorama modelers. Undoubtedly the best work of Samer Kassis.

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IN COMBAT - PAINTING MECHAS is here in its third edition, with revised and updated content and images.

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SHERMAN, the American Miracle. In this new AMMO publication, you will find all the necessary information required to paint and weather all your modelling projects involving this famous American-built tank.

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The only modeling magazine in the world devoted entirely to painting and the effects of weathering. Featuring for the first time a very special and attractive subject for a lot of modelers - the year is 1945. For many, this year marks the climax of an evolution in camouflage and new designs in the German military. A special range that includes colors and patterns found on ground vehicles and aircraft. In addition, the vehicles at this time had a special appearance and some colors that were unique to this time. The Weathering Magazine takes a trip to the past through painting and effects, featuring some of the best modellers in the world and detailed "step by step" process of painting. This is undoubtedly the best issue of TWM to date, with unique graphic design and countless articles showing different styles of painting.

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Oils are one of the most versatile types of paint, offering a greater variety of painting and weathering effects for scale modelling. However, they remain a mystery to many modellers, who only know of a specific technique or even consider oils to be a product exclusively applicable to Fine Arts.

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SOLUTION BOOK is a simple and basic guide intended to help any modeller to easily achieve similar results to those shown in every example. It doesn´t matter if you are a novice or a more seasoned and experienced modeller, by following the steps in this guide you will be able to obtain amazing results with very little effort. These steps have been tested on numerous models to great effect. In addition to this, the SOLUTION BOOK´s new design will allow you to follow each step in a very easy and intuitive manner without text by using a simple icon-based code that clearly shows what is to be done at each step. For example, a small clock indicates the required drying time. In this way, every modeller will easily comprehend the different processes used to create a nice scale representation of the most popular subjects in our hobby.

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MIG Productions 4500 Weathering Guide 1 - Rust
A very useful guide illustrating various methods of applying rust and corrosion to ships, aircraft and vehicles giving your models a realistic and satisfying appearance

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MIG Productions 4503 Weathering Guide 3 - Engines, Fuel & Oil
A very useful guide illustrating various methods of weathering engines and depecting oil and fuel spills  giving your models a realistic and satisfying appearance

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MIG Productions 4504 Weathering Guide 5 - Mud
A very useful guide illustrating various methods of applying mud and dirt giving your models a realistic and satisfying appearance

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MIG Productions 4509 Weathering Guide 10 - Water
A very useful guide illustrating various methods of depicting water and moisture giving your models a realistic and satisfying appearance.
64 Pages, printed on high quality paper

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MIG Productions 4519 Weathering Guide - Camouflage
A very useful guide illustrating various methods of applying camouflagr to ships, aircraft and vehicles giving your models a realistic and satisfying appearance

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The Weathering Magazine is the only magazine devoted entirely to the painting and weathering techniques of scale models and figures. In this issue, we will focus on all basic techniques, tools, and materials used for modelling. We present you with a selection of articles focused on all the essential information every modeller should know and review.

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MIG Productions 5201 Weathering Aircraft - Panels
A very useful guide illustrating various methods of highlighting panel and applying washes to panel lines ect giving your models a realistic and satisfying appearance
64 pages with full colour illustrations

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MIG Productions 5202 Weathering Aircraft - Chipping
A very useful guide illustrating various methods of highlighting chips, scratches etc giving your models a realistic and satisfying appearance


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MIG Productions 5203 Weathering Aircraft - Engines
A very useful guide illustrating various methods of weathering and detailing various engines, appling grease stains oil spills etc giving your models a realistic and satisfying appearance
Covers both jet and piston engines with full colour illustrations

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MIG Productions 6003 Guide - Painting Wargame Tanks
A definitve guide to painting armoured vehicles for wargaming.
96 Pages.

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MIG Productions 6016 Guide - Black & White Techniques
Jose Luis Lopez has created his own style aptly named the Black & White technique and the results have quickly become popular worldwide. This book is the newest and latest of the author's and these more than 100 pages are lush in technical detail, explaining the entire process with numerous step by step examples as well as insightful theoretical reflection. The technique allows us to layer the effects of wear, chipping, and dirt in a simpler manner than usual by using a Black & White foundation for our base colour(s). Once our translucent base colours are applied, each subject automatically acquires three-dimensional volume and layered weathering effects. Only in this unique book can you find all of the secrets of Jose Luis Lopez innovative and versatile approach. Through numerous in-depth examples, photo rich step by step demonstrations bring stunning results to modelers of all genres and skill levels.

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MIG Productions 4519 Weathering Guide - Camouflage
A very useful guide illustrating various methods of applying camouflagr to ships, aircraft and vehicles giving your models a realistic and satisfying appearance

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The book is aimed at both new modellers and experienced modellers looking to improve or just get that kick of inspiration; there's something for everyone in the packed 240 pages.

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The spearhead of the Soviet Army on the Eastern Front the Soviet T-34 was undoubtedly one of the most famous and iconic tanks of World War II.
In this book you will discover the wide array of camouflage schemes sported by the different versions of the T-34 throughout the war, both in Soviet Army service and used by other warring factions, such as the Polish Free Army, the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps, the Russian Liberation Army, the Finnish Army and even tanks captured by the Wehrmacht painted in German camouflage and markings.

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MIG Productions Solution Book 10 - How to Paint WW2 RAF Early Aircraft
A very useful illustrated guide to the colours and camouflages used by the RAF at the strat of WW2, plus helpful guidance to the detail painting and realistic weathering of RAF aircraft.

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José Luis López has prepared this comprehensive guide to airbrushing. This title provides you with all the necessary techniques for using an airbrush to paint all kinds of models from figures and military vehicles to dioramas, aircraft and proper cleaning and maintenance. With the collaboration of a team of outstanding talent, José Luis López walks you through 179 pages filled with all the secrets of the airbrush in a fun and exciting way using easy to understand examples and step-by-step processes. This unrivalled guide is the companion you need to master a tool as necessary in current modelling as the airbrush.

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