Hornby TT:120 Track

Hornby TT:120 sectional track and accessories
Fishplates are a required part of any model railway. They are essential for the connection of track lengths and play a crucial role in allowing power to pass from each section. For a double loop of track, these isolating fishplates can be fitted so that the locomotive does not pass the points in a certain loop. Use these isolated fishplates for your TT:120 layout. Twelve isolating fishplates are included.
Warehouse: 9+
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A buffer stop allows you to cap off the end of any siding, clipping onto the track and preventing any trains from breaking free from the track.
Warehouse: 6
Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 124526)
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This is an extended half straight track piece, bridging the gap between the full length straight and the half straight. The use of longer track can make laid track straighter, and reduces the risk of connectivity issues that lots of track links can bring. This code 80 track piece is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

Length 92mm

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Easily extend your TT train set with this track extension pack. The packs should be added in order, and doing so will leave you with a large and satisfying layout allowing you to run trains all day long. This track pack contains code 80 track compatible with individual code 80 track pieces.

Contains 1 x TT8008, 1 x TT8007, 5 x TT8002, 1 x TT8010

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Easily extend your TT train set with this track extension pack. The packs should be added in order, and doing so will leave you with a large and satisfying layout allowing you to run trains all day long.

Contains 6 x TT8004, 1 x TT8007, 1 x TT8009, 3 x TT8002, 1 x TT8010

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Easily extend your TT train set with this track extension pack. The packs should be added in order, and doing so will leave you with a large and satisfying layout allowing you to run trains all day long.

Contains 6 x TT8004, 1 x TT8006, 2 x TT8009

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Easily extend your TT train set with this track extension pack. The packs should be added in order, and doing so will leave you with a large and satisfying layout allowing you to run trains all day long.

Contains 2 x TT8006 1 x TT8007 1 x TT8009 2 x TT8002 1 x TT8010

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Easily extend your TT train set with this track extension pack. The packs should be added in order, and doing so will leave you with a large and satisfying layout allowing you to run trains all day long.

Contains 1 x TT8008, 5 x TT8003, 1 x TT8010

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This makes it easy for you to get trains running, ideal for younger modellers or those who find it difficult lining up small track and flanges. This is simply placed over the track, and your stock pushed down it like a ramp lining everything up perfectly.

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The backbone of any model railway, this length of straight track will help you create long runs on which your trains can be run and admired. This code 80 track piece, measuring 165mm, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

Length 165mm

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The backbone of any model railway, this length of straight track will help you create long runs on which your trains can be run and admired. This code 80 track piece, measuring 332mm, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

Length 332mm

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This is a half straight track piece, allowing some more refinement for circuit building and an easier way to fill your space should you not have enough for a full straight. This code 80 track piece, 83mm long, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

Length 83mm

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This is a quarter track piece, allowing some more refinement for circuit building and an easier way to fill your space should you not have enough for a full straight. This code 80 track piece, 41mm long, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

Length 41mm

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The backbone of any model railway, this length of curved track will help you create long sweeping curves on which your trains can be run and admired. This 30 degree code 80 track piece, with a 267mm radius, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

30 degree curve, 267mm radius. 12 required to form a complete circle.

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The backbone of any model railway, this half-length of curved track will help you create complex refined trackwork in a siding off the main line. This code 80 track piece is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

15 degree curve, 267mm radius. 24 required to form a complete circle.

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(Product Ref 124536)
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The backbone of any model railway, this length of curved track will help you create long sweeping curves on which your trains can be run and admired. This 7.5 degree code 80 track piece, with a 267mm radius, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

7.5 degree curve, 267mm radius. 48 required to form a complete circle.

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(Product Ref 124530)
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The backbone of any model railway, this length of curved track will help you create long sweeping curves on which your trains can be run and admired. This 30 degree code 80 track piece, with a 310mm radius, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

30 degree curve, 310mm radius. 12 required to form a complete circle.

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(Product Ref 124520)
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The backbone of any model railway, this length of curved track will help you create long sweeping curves on which your trains can be run and admired. This 15 degree code 80 track piece, with a 310mm radius, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

15 degree curve, 310mm radius. 24 required to form a complete circle.

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(Product Ref 124531)
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The backbone of any model railway, this length of curved track will help you create long sweeping curves on which your trains can be run and admired. This 30 degree code 80 track piece, with a 353mm radius, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

30 degree curve, 353mm radius. 12 required to form a complete circle.

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(Product Ref 124521)
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The backbone of any model railway, this length of curved track will help you create long sweeping curves on which your trains can be run and admired. This 15 degree code 80 track piece, with a 353mm radius, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

15 degree curve, 353mm radius. 24 required to form a complete circle.

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(Product Ref 124532)
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The backbone of any model railway, this length of curved track will help you create long sweeping curves on which your trains can be run and admired. This 30 degree code 80 track piece, with a 396mm radius, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

30 degree curve, 396mm radius. 12 required to form a complete circle.

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(Product Ref 124522)
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The backbone of any model railway, this length of curved track will help you create long sweeping curves on which your trains can be run and admired. This 15 degree code 80 track piece, with a 396mm radius, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

15 degree curve, 396mm radius. 24 required to form a complete circle.

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(Product Ref 124533)
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The backbone of any model railway, this length of curved track will help you create long sweeping curves on which your trains can be run and admired. This 15 degree code 80 track piece, with a radius of 640mm, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track as well as bringing tracks back to parallel after a point.

15 degree curve, 640mm radius. 24 required to form a complete circle.

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(Product Ref 124523)
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Extend your model railway layout with this Hornby Curve 6th Radius 7 Degree piece.Ideal for those long-time railway collectors of those just starting out building their layout.

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Point work is an essential part of any model railway, allowing you to connect circuits or create complex shunting yards. This point is left hand, unsurprisingly this means the track spur comes off on the left of the main line. This code 80 track piece is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track. Hornby TT:120 points measure 166mm along the main track, with a 15 degree, 640mm track spur.

Length 166mm curve radius 640mm, angle 15 degrees. Use TT8007 to create parallel track.

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(Product Ref 124524)
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Point work is an essential part of any model railway, allowing you to connect circuits or create complex shunting yards. This point is right hand, unsurprisingly this means the track spur comes off on the right of the main line. This code 80 track piece is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track. Hornby TT:120 points measure 166mm along the main track, with a 15 degree, 640mm track spur.

Length 166mm curve radius 640mm, angle 15 degrees. Use TT8007 to create parallel track.

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(Product Ref 124525)
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The diamond crossing is a piece of track used when you wish to pass one line through another. This is electrically isolated to prevent shorts and can be used to create complex track work. This code 80 track piece, 166mm long, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

Length 166mm, angle 15 degrees

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The diamond crossing is a piece of track used when you wish to pass one line through another. This is electrically isolated to prevent shorts and can be used to create complex track work. This code 80 track piece, 166mm long, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

Length 166mm, angle 15 degrees

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Fishplates are a required part of any model railway, these are essential not just for the connecting of track lengths but they also play a crucial role in allowing power to pass from each section. This pack of 20 fishplates will allow you to swap out damaged examples and add plates to lengths of track that may have been modified for custom fitment.

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(Product Ref 124543)
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An essential part of any layout, the power connecting track is an easy way to connect your layout to the output of your controller. This code 80 track piece, measuring 165mm, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

Length 165mm

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(Product Ref 124517)
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An essential part of any layout, the power connecting clip is an easy way to connect your layout to the output of your controller.

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(Product Ref 124539)
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This pack of four pins allows for wires from non-Hornby controllers to be easily connected to the Hornby power track and power clip pieces. This enables you to use your favourite controller with your TT layout.

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(Product Ref 124537)
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An essential part of any digital layout, the digital power connecting track is an easy way to connect your layout to the output of your digital controller. This code 80 track piece, 166mm long, is ideal for constructing your layout and is compatible with other code 80 track.

Length 166mm

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(Product Ref 124541)
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An essential part of any digital layout, the digital power connecting clip is an easy way to connect your layout to the output of your digital controller.

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These clips circumvent the built in isolation in our points, allowing power to always flow which is required for digital running. These clips do also have certain specific uses for analogue running.

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The uncoupler ramp allows you to disconnect your rolling stock and locomotives without having to remove them from the rails. This simply connects to existing unballasted track and can then be operated by hand or with a Hornby point motor.

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(Product Ref 124529)
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Home signals with red square-ended arms are the stop signal at traditional signal boxes and can still be seen in use in some areas today. When horizontal these signals should not be passed as they warn that the line ahead is not clear form the train to pass.
These signals are used to signal a train to enter a station (home signals) and to depart from a station and proceed to the next station (starter signals). The signals are reset to stop or danger behind the train to protect it from a following train.

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The yellow arms signify 'distant' or 'caution’ and are seen on the approach to a station or signal box, often being placed up to a mile from the signal box, depending on the speed of approaching trains.

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Home signals with red square-ended arms are the stop signal at traditional signal boxes and can still be seen in use in some areas today. When horizontal these signals should not be passed as they warn that the line ahead is not clear form the train to pass.
Junction signals were used to indicate to a driver which route his train has been cleared to take at a junction. Normally there would be one taller post, indicating the main route and a shorter post indicating a secondary route, eg. a branchline, which diverges from the main route.

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(Product Ref 125697)
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The yellow arms signify 'distant' or 'caution’ and are seen on the approach to a station or signal box, often being placed up to a mile from the signal box, depending on the speed of approaching trains. Junction distant signals indicated which route had been set for the train at the junction ahead, in time for a train to be stopped if the wrong route had been set.

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 125698)
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