DCC Layout Control

Static decoders to operate points motors and signals plus automation modules including reverse loop modules
Hornby power connection track section, equivalent to a R600 straight track section. Designed for use with Hornby digital system.
For use on all Hornby Digital track layouts.
Warehouse: 1
Bristol: 1, Cardiff: 1, Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 3, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 63065)
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Hornby OO DCC Point Conversion Clips R8232
These clips are designed to fit into Hornby points to convert the point for DCC operation. The clip feeds track power through the point, keeping both diverging tracks live at all times.
Pack of 20

Bristol: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 61026)
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Hornby Digital Accessory Decoder R8247
Being able to change points and operate accessories with the minimum of wiring and fuss is one of the main attractions of digital control and the Hornby Accessory and Point Decoder allows the operator to do just that.  Wiring points up in the old analogue fashion can be quite a daunting exercise.

On some layouts which have numerous points this can mean that there are metres upon metres of cabling plus a whole bank of switches. Hours can be spent carefully wiring up the points only to find that there is a fault or an intermittent connection which means more hours of crawling about on the floor trying to locate the problem.

With the Hornby digital system these horrors can be but a distant memory.

The Hornby R8247 Accessory/Point Decoder can be programmed to accommodate four point motors or solenoid operated accessories, plus other electrical accessories that require a constant or delayed current flow, for example a turntable.

Connection of the points or accessories to the Hornby Accessory/Point Decoder is straightforward.  The four outputs are factory set for the operation of solenoid (point) motors, however, by adjusting the CV settings of each output a graduation of varying ‘bursts’ of current up to a constant current (turntable motor operation, lighting, etc.) can be obtained for each individual output.

MRP £59.49

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 69721)
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Hornby Digital Point Motor Decoder R8216
Point decoder with four independently controlled outputs.
The Hornby Point Decoder can be programmed to accommodate four point motors or solenoid operated accessories like semaphore signals or electric uncoupling ramps with the minimum of trouble. Connection of the points or accessories to the Hornby Accessory/Point Decoder is straightforward. 3 wires from the point motor (solenoid) are connected to the first three screw terminals on the decoder.
The next solenoid is connected to the second three terminals,with the following two solenoids being connected in the same way as the previous two. Once the solenoids are connected two wires are then plugged into the track using the Hornby R602 Power Connecting Clip, the location of which can be anywhere within reason that is convenient. Allocating addresses to the four points is then just as simple as pressing up to 4 buttons.
All Hornby points are “self – isolating”. To obtain the best from the Hornby Digital system it is recommended that all points arc made “live” by attaching 2 x R8232 DCC Electro Point Clips to each point. A quantity of these clips are included in every Hornby Digital set, additional clips are available.

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 55571)
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Gaugemaster DCC Auto Reverse Loop Module DCC40
Automatically switches polarity in a reverse-loop situation - completely hands free!
Use for:
Reverse Loops
Triangle Junctions

    Gaugemaster have useful wiring diagrams on their website.

    MRP £53.00

    Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
    (Product Ref 78027)
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    To place an order please call 01453 377030
    Hornby OO Digital Power Connecting Clip R8242
    Hornby track power connector clip designed for use with digital control systems.
    For connecting the R8216 Point / Accessory Decoder to track

    Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
    (Product Ref 63066)
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    To place an order please call 01453 377030
    The DCC80 Autofrog is a simple switch that automatically changes the frog polarity on your DCC layout. In most situations, the use of electrofrog points is recommended on digital layouts to ensure reliability but this can make extra switching more complicated than it needs to be. Allow us to introduce you to the Autofrog. Wiring the DCC80 is simple. There are three solder connections on the board, 2 connections labelled “R” - which you should connect to your rails or your bus and 1 connection labelled “F” which you connect to the frog input wire.

    Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
    (Product Ref 97724)
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    To place an order please call 01453 377030
    Have a question? Contact us
    Static or Accessory decoders are designed to provide control over an electrically-worked accessory like a point motor. Just like a locomotive decoder they have an address for that point to which the control handset can send instructions to change the route.
    Reverse loop modules are a very useful way of avoiding short-circuits when sections of track may have opposing polarities. The outer rail going around a reverse loop will obviously start on the left and come back on the right, by isolating the track within the loop and feeding power through the module the polarity is automatically switched as the train exits the loop. This feature is useful for junctions and cross-overs, you don't need to worry about which train the electrics are set for!

    Please note, we have experienced delays in the supply of these modules from all manufacturers. Please email enquiries@antics.ltd.uk or call us on 01453 825381 so we can check on current availability.