Catalyst Games BattleTech

Mechanised warriors from the 31st century
MRP £29.99
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(Product Ref 126892)
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"At the dawn of the 31st century, take control of a towering, mechanised avatar of destruction and do battle across a thousand worlds!"
MRP £59.99
Warehouse: 1
Cardiff: 1
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(Product Ref 116396)
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BattleTech is the world's greatest armored combat game, filled with epic stories and gaming experiences to satiate any player: miniatures to RPG play, hobby painting to fiction, and beyond. The BattleTech Beginner Box is the first step on that fantastic journey and includes everything you need to get started: two high-quality miniatures, quick-start rules, a mapsheet, cards to represent your MechWarrior's unique skills, dice, and more.
MRP £24.99
Warehouse: 1
Cardiff: 1, Gloucester: 2
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(Product Ref 117528)
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The Inner Sphere Urban Lance is a collection of four plastic miniatures for use in the classic BattleTech tabletop and Alpha Strike games. The box also provides four dry-erase cards, which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay, and four new Clan Pilot Cards. The four 'Mechs available in the lance pack are the Enforcer, Hunchback, Raven and Victor
MRP £24.99
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 116800)
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Whether it’s a running battle, a defensive stand, or an all-out planetary invasion, Hansen’s Roughriders will always be in the thick of it. Though lacking the technology of some commands and the traditions of others, the Roughriders get the job done—regardless of how dirty they get in the process.

Unleash the Hansen’s Roughriders Battle Lance on your enemies! Included is the new Penetrator, as well as a re-posed Atlas, and new variants of the Enforcer and jumping Hatchetman—no assembly required—along with four MechWarrior pilot cards and four Alpha Strike cards. Perfect for BattleTech and Alpha Strike action!

MRP £32.99
Warehouse: 2
Bristol: 2, Cardiff: 7, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 124624)
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In 2439 the Terran Hegemony unleashed the Mackie—the first BattleMech—setting off an arms race across the Inner Sphere. The Proliferation Cycle anthology tells the story of how all six Houses employed force of arms, infiltrations and espionage to field cutting-edge new ’Mechs of their own. The volume also includes the story of the first Clan OmniMech.

This companion ForcePack includes all seven original ’Mechs, which can be fielded on any game table using the rules from Interstellar Operations: Alternate Eras. No assembly required—includes seven MechWarrior pilot cards and seven Alpha Strike cards. Perfect for BattleTech and Alpha Strike action!

MRP £44.99
Warehouse: 1
Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 122648)
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Each Salvage Box contains one fully-assembled BattleMech or OmniMech, randomly collated from our full list. They are assembled and unpainted. Each box also contains a MechWarrior Card and an Alpha Strike card.
MRP £7.99
Warehouse: 9+
Bristol: 2, Cardiff: 9+, Gloucester: 9+, Stroud: 9+
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(Product Ref 118062)
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Contains the Mech Units that survived centuries of warfare across the Inner Sphere. Full-colour, poker-sized and laminated for dry-erase use, you just need miniatures and dice and you'll be battling for control of humanity's tenuous future in BattleTech's fast-playing game of armoured combat.

Cardiff: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 125575)
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Contains the Mech Units that sprung from the distant Periphery to terrorise the Inner Sphere and Mechs designed to repel them. Full-colour, poker-sized and laminated for dry-erase use, you just need miniatures and dice and you'll be battling for control of humanity's tenuous future in BattleTech's fast-playing game of armoured combat.

Cardiff: 2
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 125576)
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In the year 3050, the true heirs of the lost Star League thunder forth from the depths of the far Periphery and carve deep into the quarreling Successor States. As the Clan juggernaut rolls across the core ward realms of the Inner Sphere, the House Lords scramble to shore up their defenses and devise some way to halt the invaders.

Backed by high-tech OmniMechs bristling with advanced weapons and battlesuit-clad Elementals capable of bringing down a 'Mech, the Clan crusade drives toward the heart of human-occupied space. Do you possess the the bold tactics and heroics courage to defeat warriors trained from birth to conquer? Or will you uphold Kerensky's dream, cast aside the squabbling lords of the Inner Sphere, and reignite the flame of the Star League?

With this box, you'll unlock powerful new factions and 'Mechs to expand your BattleTech experience and take part in a cataclysmic conflict which will rock the Inner Sphere. The BattleTech: Clan Invasion box set includes five iconic OmniMechs-the Timber Wolf, Executioner, Nova, Adder, and Mongrel.

The BattleTech: Clan Invasion box is a supplement to the BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat box, which is required to use this set.

MRP £49.99

Bristol: 1
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(Product Ref 116418)
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This expansion box serves up intermediate-level play, building off the recent, best-selling release of Battletech: A Game of Armoured Combat. This new box set contains everything you need for more advanced 'Mech on 'Mech action.
MRP £29.99

Bristol: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 116400)
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Unleash the Clan Fire Star on your enemies! Arctic Cheetah, Battle Cobra, Black Lanner, Linebacker and Night Gyr—no assembly required—along with five MechWarrior pilot cards and five Alpha Strike cards. Perfect for Battletech and Alpha Strike action!
MRP £29.99

Bristol: 1, Cardiff: 2
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 117522)
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This expansion box serves up intermediate-level play, building off the recent, best-selling release of Battletech: A Game of Armoured Combat. This new box set contains everything you need for more advanced 'Mech on 'Mech action.
MRP £24.99

Stroud: 2
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 117525)
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Unleash the Clan Heavy Battle Star on your enemies! Turkina, Kingfisher, Huntsman, Ebon Jaguar, and Crossbow—no assembly required—along with five MechWarrior pilot cards and five Alpha Strike cards
MRP £29.99

Cardiff: 1
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(Product Ref 116762)
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The Inner Sphere Direct Fire Lance is a collection of four plastic miniatures for use in the classic BattleTech tabletop and Alpha Strike games. The box also provides four dry-erase cards, which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay, and four new Clan Pilot Cards. The four 'Mechs available in the lance pack are the Atlas, Crusader, Marauder II and Orion
MRP £24.99

Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 116914)
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This expansion box serves up intermdiate-level play, building off the recent, best-selling release of Battletech: A Game of Armored Combat. This new box set contains everything you need for more advanced ‘Mech on ‘Mech action. Contents: each Inner Sphere Lance includes four ‘mechs along with four MechWarrior pilot cards and four Alpha Strike cards.
MRP £24.99

Stroud: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 117524)
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Includes five hex-based Elemental miniatures - no assembly required. Perfect for BattleTech and Alpha Strike action!
MRP £24.99

Cardiff: 2
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 117523)
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The Eridani Light Horse are an elite mercenary outfit boasting one of the longest histories and the deepest traditions in the Inner Sphere. From their origins with the Star League Defense Force, they have fought through the triumphs and the tragedies of Succession Wars, emerging as one of the finest and most honorable fighting commands.

Unleash the Eridani Light Horse Hunter Lance on your enemies! Included is the new Sagittaire, as well as a re-posed Banshee, and new variants of the Cyclops and a jumping Thunderbolt—no assembly required—along with four MechWarrior pilot cards and four Alpha Strike cards. Perfect for BattleTech and Alpha Strike action!

MRP £32.99

Cardiff: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 124625)
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The Snord's Irregulars Assault Lance is one of the Mercenary ForcePacks. It contains four plastic miniatures for use in the classic BattleTech tabletop and Alpha Strike games. The box also provides four dry-erase cards, which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay, and eight MechWarrior Pilot Cards.
MRP £29.99

Cardiff: 2, Gloucester: 2
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 122647)
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The most detailed and comprehensive rules set published for BattleTech - the perfect companion for standard tournament play "At the dawn of the 31st century, take control of a towering, mechanised avatar of destruction and do battle across a thousand worlds!"
MRP £33.99

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(Product Ref 116423)
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CAT35002 Classic Battletech TechManual Game Rules By Catalyst Game Labs
This companion volume to Total Warfare combines all the construction rules for the various units presented in that core rules set. Full of weapons, equipment and technologies, as well as sourcebook-style treatises with in-universe context, it's a must-have resource for any BattleTech aficionado.
MRP £33.99

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(Product Ref 119717)
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Tactical Operations: Advanced Units & Equipment is a rulebook that expands the BattleTech construction rules of the Tech Manual onto support vehicles as well as advanced weapons and equipment, that are above the complexity of the BattleTech core rules of Total Warfare. The book also includes the corresponding rules for the use of the introduced units and equipment during the game.
MRP £33.99

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(Product Ref 116764)
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Strategic Operations is the one-source rulebook for advanced rules aerospace assets that open the entire conquest of a solar system. It includes new aerospace movement, combat and advanced aerospace unit construction rules, as well as comprehensive maintenance, salvage, repair and customization rules.
MRP £33.99

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(Product Ref 117939)
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Primitive Units. QuadVees. Superheavy 'Mechs. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Robotic and Drone Systems. Land-Air BattleMechs.

As you delve into BattleTech lore, additional weapons, units and rules become available to you and your forces as you fight in the Dark Age, Jihad, or even the depths of the Star League Eras, and all the way back into the Age of War before the birth of the BattleMech.

Alternate Eras introduces a huge swath of rules for playing across the thousand years of BattleTech history, including weapons and equipment mostly unique to a given era.

Note: The original publication of Interstellar Operations had rules for large scale BattleTech play (Strategic BattleForce, Abstract Combat System, and Inner Sphere at War) which can now be found in the Interstellar Operations: BattleForce.

MRP £37.99

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(Product Ref 118069)
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Marshal your forces and prepare to conquer the Inner Sphere! Interstellar Operations: BattleForce provides a sliding zoom that can scale from a quick game on your table up to the macro level, allowing players to assume the roles of House Lords and dominate the galaxy!

BattleForce is a complete, all-in-one-book game system of combat on a grand scale, but tailored to your interest at the gaming table.

  • Play lightning-fast, large-scale games like battalion vs battalion or conquer a planet with multiple regiments.
  • Not large enough? Invade an entire sector of a House as armies clash across a dozen systems.
  • Still not large enough? Become a Clan Khan or House Leader and amass all the industrial might of your empire to protect your worlds and defeat your enemies!

Note: The original publication of Interstellar Operations had rules for playing in alternate eras which can now be found in the Interstellar Operations: Alternate Eras.

MRP £41.99

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(Product Ref 118068)
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Campaign Operations is the last of a series of core rulebooks written for BattleTech.

The book is designed to allow players run their own Battletech military campaigns for either Mercenary or regular Army units of the Houses the Inner Sphere and the Clans. The book provides advanced rules for maintaining and running a military combat units and campaigns creation. The book is compatible with various game types which includes; Alpha Strike, Total Warfare, Chaos Campaign, A Time of War.

Campaign Operations offers rules that can be used for any type of campaign a player or group wishes to include. Gives the players tools allowing for creating a force, creating personas that would be command the unit, and more.

MRP £33.99

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(Product Ref 117940)
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Standing from seven to sixteen meters tall, and weighing from twenty to one hundred tons
        Powered by an armored and shielded fusion reactor
        Skeleton of honeycombed, foamed aluminum core wrapped with stressed silicon carbide monofilament and sheathed by a rigid, titanium-steel shell
        Locomotion generated via bundles of polyacetylene-fiber myomer muscles
        Protected by aligned-crystal steel over a layer of boron nitride impregnated with diamond monofilaments Mounting a swath of powerful weapons from charged particle beams to lasers, missiles to rapid-fire autocannons
        All at the command of the noble elite, the MechWarriors
The modern BattleMech is the end result of more than three thousand years of battlefield technology development. Combining awesome destructive power and unparalleled maneuverability, the BattleMech is perhaps the most complex machine ever produced. The undisputed master of thirty-first century warfare, the BattleMech seems destined to reign supreme for centuries to come.

"”Excerpts from a promotional pamphlet originally distributed by Defiance Industries of Hesperus, Lyran Commonwealth, 3007

Using the most up-to-date rules text, the BattleMech Manual has been designed from the ground up to cater to the BattleTech player wanting to engage in an all-'Mech battle. Includes a variety of optional rules, terrain and more. Welcome to the most table-usage-friendly BattleTech rulebook ever published!
MRP £33.99

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(Product Ref 118067)
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This volume features some of the most common ’Mechs from the Clan Invasion and Civil War Eras, each illustrated in detail and accompanied by a description of its history, capabilities, and game stats, along with their most famous pilots
MRP £33.99

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(Product Ref 116769)
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This volume features some of the most common ’Mechs from the Jihad. Each machine is accompanied by an illustration, a description of its history, capabilities, and game stats
MRP £33.99

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(Product Ref 116766)
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Created using the same brilliant aesthetics of the new box sets and Grasslands and Battle of Tukayyid mapsets, these maps include a variety of terrain elements that deliver interesting battlefields for players of every skill level. Each map is 17” x 22”, paper, and may be placed side-on or edge-on with other maps for expanded battlefields

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(Product Ref 116397)
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The Battle of Tukayyid was a significant turning point favoring Inner Sphere defenders during the Clan Invasion of the Inner Sphere. After the Com Guards, which compose ComStar's military, defeated a combined force of the Clans, the Truce of Tukayyid forbade the Clans from advancing toward Terra past the planet Tukayyid for the next fifteen years. The battle began on 1 May 3052 and ended 20 May that same year.
MRP £33.99

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(Product Ref 117938)
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Alpha Strike: Commander's Edition collects into one handy volume the revised fast-play rules from the original Alpha Strike and the expanded rules from Alpha Strike Companion. Take command of large-scale engagements with tabletop-miniatures gameplay designed for the modern wargamer. Use the force-creation rules to marshal your armies, charge them into battle, and either reap the rewards of conquest or taste the bitter pill of defeat. The future of the Inner Sphere is in your hands!
MRP £33.99

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(Product Ref 120996)
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At the dawn of the 31st century, take control of a towering, mechanised avatar of destruction and do battle across a thousand worlds!

BattleTech is the world's greatest armoured combat game. Set in the dawn of the thirty-first century, the game central theme is the persistent conflict that ravages the galaxy. This conflict could take the shape of interstellar and civil wars, planetary battles, as well as institutionalized combat in the shape of arena contests and duelling.

The key feature of BattleTech is that the combat units in all these battles are roughly 12-metre-tall humanoid armoured combat units called BattleMechs, powered by fusion reactors and armed with a variety of weapons. These towering machine of destruction are led into battle by experienced MechWarriors that could either be soldier-of-fortune or part of one of the noble Great Houses fighting for supremacy.

BattleTech Alpha Strike 2022 Box set is the latest product of the BattleTech franchise. 

MRP £87.99

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(Product Ref 119953)
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Release 30 September
This expansion box serves up intermediate-level play, building off the recent, best-selling release of Battletech: A Game of Armoured Combat. This new box set contains everything you need for more advanced 'Mech on 'Mech action.
MRP £24.99

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(Product Ref 119589)
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This expansion box serves up intermediate-level play, building off the recent, best-selling release of Battletech: A Game of Armoured Combat. This new box set contains everything you need for more advanced 'Mech on 'Mech action.

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 119587)
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This expansion box serves up intermediate-level play, building off the recent, best-selling release of Battletech: A Game of Armoured Combat. This new box set contains everything you need for more advanced 'Mech on 'Mech action.
MRP £24.99

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(Product Ref 119590)
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This expansion box serves up intermediate-level play, building off the recent, best-selling release of Battletech: A Game of Armoured Combat. This new box set contains everything you need for more advanced 'Mech on 'Mech action.

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 119588)
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This expansion box serves up intermediate-level play, building off the recent, best-selling release of Battletech: A Game of Armoured Combat. This new box set contains everything you need for more advanced 'Mech on 'Mech action.
MRP £24.99

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(Product Ref 116399)
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The Inner Sphere Striker Lance is a collection of four plastic miniatures for use in the classic BattleTech tabletop and Alpha Strike games. The box also provides four dry-erase cards, which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay, and four new Clan Pilot Cards.
MRP £24.99

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(Product Ref 116763)
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The Clan Heavy Star is a collection of five plastic miniatures for use in the classic BattleTech tabletop and Alpha Strike games. The box also provides five dry-erase cards, which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay, and five new Clan Pilot Cards. The five BattleMechs available in the Clan Heavy Star are the Behemoth, Hunchback IIC, Marauder IIC, Supernova and Warhammer IIC.
MRP £29.99

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(Product Ref 116799)
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The Clan Heavy Striker Star includes the Gargoyle, Hellbringer, Mad Dog, Ice Ferret, and Viper (no assembly required) along with five MechWarrior pilot cards and five Alpha Strike cards.
MRP £29.99

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(Product Ref 117521)
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Release 30 September
This expansion box serves up intermediate-level play, building off the recent, best-selling release of Battletech: A Game of Armoured Combat. This new box set contains everything you need for more advanced 'Mech on 'Mech action.
MRP £29.99

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(Product Ref 118537)
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The Inner Sphere Support Lance is a collection of four plastic miniatures for use in the classic BattleTech tabletop and Alpha Strike games. The box also provides four dry-erase cards, which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay, and four new Clan Pilot Cards. The four 'Mechs available in the lance pack are the Cyclops, Dragon, Spider and Thug
MRP £24.99

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(Product Ref 117526)
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The ComStar Command Level II is a collection of six plastic miniatures for use in the classic BattleTech tabletop and Alpha Strike games. The box also provides six dry-erase cards, which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay, and six new Pilot Cards
MRP £29.99

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(Product Ref 117527)
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This expansion box serves up intermediate-level play, building off the recent, best-selling release of Battletech: A Game of Armoured Combat. This new box set contains everything you need for more advanced 'Mech on 'Mech action.
MRP £34.99

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(Product Ref 118538)
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This expansion box serves up intermediate-level play, building off the recent, best-selling release of Battletech: A Game of Armoured Combat. This new box set contains everything you need for more advanced 'Mech on 'Mech action.
MRP £29.99

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(Product Ref 119770)
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(Product Ref 62589)
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Loved and hated in equal measure, over the last four decades the UrbanMech has become the mascot of BattleTech. Recently, the UrbanMech has been turned into multiple plushies, appeared in a company box, and even a full-scale inflatable display!

This ForcePack brings a new pose of the original UM-R60 variant from the UrbanMech Salvage Box, along with three additional variants, including a brand-new ilClan Era design! No assembly required—includes four MechWarrior pilot cards and four Alpha Strike cards. Perfect for BattleTech and Alpha Strike action!

MRP £29.99

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(Product Ref 122649)
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From the vault at Catalyst. A New Command Lance rises The Star League Command Lance brings in not only a new armada of weaponry to the battlefield, but style as well. With the Orion, Phoenix Hawk, Atlas II, and Thunder hawk entering the battlefield once again. The Orion brings with it a new pre-painted scheme in the regalia of Aleksandr Kerensky himself. Remember, Its not just about blowing up BattleMechs, but blowing up BattleMechs in style!
MRP £34.99

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(Product Ref 126646)
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(Product Ref 62373)
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1 Double Sided neoprene 22" x36 Battlemat
There are four different maps so far to collect - Desert, Alpine, Luna and Savanna and each pack has a unique Grassland map on the reverse in addition to the main terrain of the pack

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(Product Ref 123937)
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There are four different maps (so far) to collect - Desert, Alpine, Luna and Savanna and each pack has a unique Grassland map on the reverse in addition to the main terrain of the pack

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(Product Ref 123922)
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1 Double Sided neoprene 22" x36 Battlemat
There are four different maps so far to collect - Desert, Alpine, Luna and Savanna and each pack has a unique Grassland map on the reverse in addition to the main terrain of the pack

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(Product Ref 123936)
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1 Double Sided neoprene 22" x36 Battlemat
There are four different maps so far to collect - Desert, Alpine, Luna and Savanna and each pack has a unique Grassland map on the reverse in addition to the main terrain of the pack

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(Product Ref 123138)
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Enhance your battlefield tactics by substituting the Initiative Deck for the standard Initiative roll. Poor initiative position awards stronger strategic and tactical opportunities which can make up for ""bad luck.""The Initiative Deck is 24 cards in a single tuck box

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(Product Ref 116398)
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The second of two sourcebooks/scenario books that details the beginning of years of the ilClan era, in the year 3151. The book goes into detail the conflict in system and on Terra as to determine whom shall be the ilClan, and Clans to conquest of the Inner Sphere. Included the book are Maps, Touchpoints for Chaos Campaign type scenarios, Mini-Technical Readout on new Clan 'Mechs, and their record sheets
MRP £33.99

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(Product Ref 116422)
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Each Salvage Box contains one fully-assembled Urban Mech, randomly collated from our full list. They are assembled and unpainted. Each box also contains a MechWarrior Card and an Alpha Strike card.
MRP £7.99

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(Product Ref 119586)
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