Bachmann Detail Parts

A wide range of small details from TV aerials, litter bins and bollards&mbsp;to station signs, ticket machines and depot equipment.

Scenecraft 44-528 00 Gauge Air-Conditioning Units x10

Pack of ten air-conditioner external condensor units. Ideal for detailing industrial and office buildings.


Warehouse: 1
Fast delivery from Warehouse.
(Product Ref 82911)
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Scenecraft 44-534 00 Gauge Satellite Dishes Pack of 10

An ideal detail for modern houses.

MRP £11.95
Warehouse: 9
Bristol: 2, Cardiff: 1, Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 2, Stroud: 2
Fast delivery from Warehouse.
(Product Ref 82939)
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Scenecraft 44-550 00 Gauge Braziers

Pack of 2 braziers.
Braziers were used in many locations on the railways where it was essential that pipes did not freeze in winter. Almost every water tower and crane was provided with one of these braziers to keep the water in the pipes and tanks warm and ready to flow into steam locomotives.

5mm x 5mm x 30mm

Warehouse: 2
Bristol: 2, Gloucester: 2, Plymouth: 1
Fast delivery from Warehouse.
(Product Ref 73186)
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Scenecraft 44-555 00 Gauge Stone Walls and Gates - Various

Lenth of Wall 100mm,  Small Walling 30mm
Warehouse: 1
Fast delivery from Warehouse.
(Product Ref 73185)
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Oil storage tanks contained within an enclosed plastic wrapper bund. The plastic bund ensures that any spillage is contained should a leak develop in the storage tank inside.

These tanks are now installed in locations where oil fired heating systems are used, eg. on isolated farms.


Stroud: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 77333)
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Scenecraft 44-535 00 Gauge TV Ariels Pack of 10

Ideal details for lineside homes from the 1950s onwards.

MRP £11.95

Bristol: 1, Cardiff: 1, Gloucester: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 77357)
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Scenecraft 44-567 00 Gauge Coolant Trolleys (x4)

Coolant Trolleys (x4) 14mm x 10mm x 16mm


Gloucester: 3
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 73187)
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Cardiff: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 119900)
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Gloucester: 2
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 125052)
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Scenecraft 44-042 00 Gauge Lifting Jacks

These sychonised lifting jacks are used in maintainance depots to lift locomotives and carriages smoothly and evenly.


Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 77313)
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Often seen along the lineside ballast bins allowed the local permanent way gang to store extra ballast, readily available for when extra packing was needed to maintain the level of the track.

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 78352)
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Scenecraft 44-501 00 Gauge Commercial Lidded Wheeled Skips

Typical of the lockable, wheeled waste skips used by small businesses all over the UK.


Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 77334)
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Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 70660)
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Scenecraft 44-514 00 Gauge Modern Benches

Pack of 4 modern concrete platform benches.


Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 82897)
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Scenecraft 44-537 00 Gauge Caged Gas Bottles

Gas bottles mounted into a secure storage cage.


Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 80797)
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Scenecraft 44-539 00 Gauge Platform Tractor Unit

A detailed model of a small platform trolley tractor unit.


Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 81056)
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Scenecraft 44-543 00 Gauge Metal Platform Lamps

Set of 4 metal station platform lamps


Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 6764)
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Scenecraft 44-546 00 Gauge Roadside Grit Boxes

Pack of 4 of the familiar yellow roadside grit boxes.
These are now appearing at many railway stations for gritting platforms, bridges and foot crossings.

Measures 10mm x 10mm x 10mm


Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 82888)
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Scenecraft 44-548 00 Gauge Station Signage Set

Set of railway station signs including double-arrows sign and timetable poster boards.

Measures 15mm x 5mm x 48mm


Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 82890)
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Scenecraft 44-564 00 Gauge Corner Pavements and Drop Curbs

Corner Pavements and Drop Curbs 120mm x 20mm x 4mm


Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 73190)
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Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 114710)
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Pack of 4 different styles of Royal Mail pillar box post boxes including a  high capacity 'double' type often used in town and city centres, two standard round pillar boxes, one equipped with a stamp vending machine and a much older hexagonal pillar box.

Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 81485)
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