Army Painter

A range of spray and brush paints designed for wargaming figures

Army Painter 1103 18ml Bottle of Anti-Shine Acrylic Varnish.

The warpaint range is carefully blended to match the primer colours, allowing primer colours to be touched-up seamlessly.
Warpaints have loads of rich and thick pigment, providing better coverage and denser colour. Remember to shake the bottle well to mix the pigment throughly before use.

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400ml spray can of matt varnish.

A matt varnish finishing coat avoids unrealistic reflective surfaces being created on figures and clothing.

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400ml spray can of green skin colour primer.

For little green men and jolly green giants.

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400ml spray can of fur brown primer.

Base coat for brown fur clothing, beastmen and animals.

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400ml spray can of Satin varnish.

A matt varnish finishing coat avoids unrealistic reflective surfaces being created on figures and clothing.

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Bristol: 1, Cardiff: 1
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This is by far the most popular Quick Shade on the market. Its fantastic all-round uses makes it ideal for any colour. The STRONG Tone will make deep and perfect shades on your miniatures and use heavy, brown pigment. Especially great on Pure Red and Desert Yellow and all manner of Greens. If in doubt: Go for STRONG Tone!

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(Product Ref 85802)
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Wet palette with enclose brush holder.
Size 13.8cm * 19.8cm
Comes with:
2* Hydro foams
50* Hydro sheets

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(Product Ref 114537)
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The best Wet Palette on the market just got bigger and better! The perfect palette for Warpaints Fanatic premium acrylics Anti-mold Hydro Foam and specially designed Hydro Sheets Easy to clean and easy to store Hard plastic cover for safe transport and airtight storage The new Wet Palette Wargamers Edition is made with superior quality materials, custom-designed to keep your acrylic paints preserved, perfectly smooth, and creamy. Now, with an Extra-Large surface area (276mm/10.6” x 198mm/7.8”) to accommodate your biggest painting projects!

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This fantastic Mega Paint Set includes the best possible quality paints, metallics & washes available today. It has all the colours you need as well as one of the most popular hand-made wargaming brushes in the wargaming industry. Some Warpaints have a Colour Primer spray equivalent – and these paints are marked with the small logo: “100% MATCH”. The Washes are superb quality and also match the Quickshade tones of the same name – giving you a perfect shading effect.
MRP £99.95

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(Product Ref 28251)
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The all-in-one Warpaint Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. In the Speedpaint Starter Set you’ll find all the basic colours you need to begin painting beautiful tabletop-quality miniatures in no time. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! All of the colours are using tried and true high-quality heavy pigments.


Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 54985)
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Please note that paints cannot be shipped to destinations outside of the United Kingdom.