Introducing Cobalt-iP Digital - Cobalt-iP Digital is a new Cobalt DCC-on board product that adds on-board DCC control to the very best features of Cobalt Classic-O and Cobalt -iP to create the best ever digital-ready point motor. With Cobalt-iP Digital, you can have your cake and eat it too, because it is 100% ready to go in digital format, yet it will also allow you to have a classic control panel with a choice of either one or two push-button switches per turnout... Super low current draw means you can use complex pre-set routes using the abilities already built in to most quality DCC control systems with no need to add anything else! While Cobalt-iP Digital may look the same on the outside, we have added so much more than you can see. It has a totally new and even quieter internal gearing structure, re-designed internal electronics to add actively managed drive speed and at the same time, we've added our all new microprocessor-controlled "intelligent power" electronics to make Cobalt-iP Digital perform better than any point motor you have ever seen. Being aware that not all power supply situations are the same, we have also made drive voltage almost irrelevant because Cobalt-iP Digital has a huge "safe power range"... so it is totally comfortable with a very, very wide range of track bus or accessory power voltages. So... apart from intelligent control, smooth operation, insanely long life and the hobby's best backup and warranty, plus incredibly easy solder-free installation, smooth operation and exceptional usability, what's new in Cobalt-iP
Approximate height: 205mm